35 pages 1 hour read

Philip K. Dick


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1969

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Chapters 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

Runciter and Joe discuss their situation. Runciter claims that Joe and the inertials all died in the explosion, while Runciter is the sole survivor. He also believes that Pat and Hollis are behind much of what it is happening. Joe wonders why they would go through so much trouble, when they could have easily just killed them. He suspects that it is “an irresponsible entity that’s enjoying what it’s doing to [them]…killing [them] off one by one” (185).

Runciter goes on to reveal that Joe and the others are suspended in a half-life facility. Runciter, alive and well, speaks to them from the moratorium in Zurich. Pat too is in half-life with them. Joe responds to Runciter’s information by saying, “You don’t know any more than I do” (187). Joe accuses Runciter not knowing what Ubik is. Runciter concedes that he doesn’t really know what’s going on. Joe also concludes that there must be one entity trying to help him within half-life and another trying to destroy him. Runciter hangs up on Joe from the moratorium. Runciter wants to call Ella but fears that Jory might take over again. He thinks, “Maybe there’s never been anyone in half-life like Jory before” (192).