50 pages 1 hour read

Ray Bradbury

The Veldt

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1950

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for story review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Who is Mr. McClean?

A) A psychologist

B) A technician

C) A neighbor

D) A teacher

2. What kind of birds fly overhead on the veldt?

A) Eagles

B) Sparrows

C) Vultures

D) Falcons

3. How does Lydia feel about being replaced by the Happylife Home?

A) Relieved

B) Bored

C) Free

D) Useless

4. Which technique is used in these sentences: “That sun. He could feel it on his neck, still, like a hot paw”?

A) Metaphor

B) Amplification

C) Simile

D) Hyperbole

5. How old are Peter and Wendy?

A) 6 years old

B) 8 years old

C) 10 years old

D) 12 years old

6. When Wendy checks the nursery after returning from the plastic carnival, what setting does she tell her father she sees?

A) The African veldt

B) A green forest

C) A desert oasis

D) A coral reef

7. What does Lydia believe to be the cause of the children’s resentment?

A) George did not allow them to take a rocket to New York several months ago.

B) Lydia originally refused to let them attend the plastic carnival.

C) George took away the children’s picture painter for a time.

D) Lydia locked the nursery for three days when the children brought home failing report cards.

8. What does Mr. McClean advise the Hadleys to do?

A) Move to a different house

B) Send the children to boarding school

C) Monitor the children’s time in the nursery

D) Tear the nursery down

9. What technique does Mr. McClean employ when he tells George that the children once saw him as Santa but now see him as Scrooge?

A) Personification

B) Allusion

C) Imagery

D) Irony


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