75 pages 2 hours read

Steve Sheinkin

The Notorious Benedict Arnold

Nonfiction | Biography | YA | Published in 2010

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Reading Check, Multiple Choice & Short Answer Quizzes

Reading Check questions are designed for in-class review on key plot points or for quick verbal or written assessments. Multiple Choice and Short Answer Quizzes create ideal summative assessments, and collectively function to convey a sense of the work’s tone and themes.

Chapters 1-7

Reading Check

1. What is about to happen in the clearing in the woods in Chapter 1?

2. What government position did the first Benedict Arnold hold?

3. When Benedict Arnold is around 11 years old, how do two of his sisters die?

4. What happens on April 19, 1775?

5. What compromise do Ethan Allen and the leader of the Green Mountain Boys reach in Chapter 6?

Multiple Choice

1. What work did the fourth Benedict Arnold do when he moved to Connecticut?

A) mayor of Norwich

B) merchant and sea captain

C) school teacher and librarian

D) silversmith

2. How old is Benedict Arnold when Chapter 3 opens?

A) 7

B) 8

C) 9

D) 10

3. When Benedict Arnold’s apothecary apprenticeship is over, what does he do for a living?

A) He becomes a merchant.

B) He becomes a teacher.

C) He becomes a silversmith.

D) He becomes a tailor.

4. How long does it take for the fort in Vermont to fall?

A) 10 months

B) 10 days

C) 10 hours

D) 10 minutes

5. Where is the fort that Arnold attacks in Chapter 7?

A) Vermont

B) Maine

C) Canada

D) New Hampshire

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences.