68 pages 2 hours read

Liv Constantine

The Next Mrs. Parrish

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Character Analysis

Daphne Parrish

Daphne is a dynamic protagonist who embodies a blend of grace, strength, and vulnerability. Her love for her daughters, Bella and Tallulah, is the cornerstone of her character, and her role as a mother is central to her identity. Every decision that Daphne makes is informed by her desire to provide the best possible upbringing for her girls and to shield them from harm.

Daphne's relationship with her daughters is marked by warmth, affection, and a deep sense of responsibility, as evidenced by her fervent attempts to protect them from the toxic environment created by her husband, Jackson. Daphne understands the impact that a dysfunctional household can have on children, and she resolves to shield her daughters from the emotional and psychological damage of Jackson’s abusive behavior. Even when she is experiencing the full horror of Jackson’s cruelty and deceit, her immediate concern is for her daughters’ well-being. As she struggles to escape Jackson’s control, she resolves to create a safe and stable environment where her daughters can thrive. This maternal instinct gives her the strength to endure Jackson’s manipulation and abuse, and she also gains the courage to plan her eventual escape.

However, Daphne's kindness is not limited to her own children.