58 pages 1 hour read

Pam Jenoff

The Lost Girls of Paris: A Novel

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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The Strength of Wartime Bonds

The Lost Girls of Paris emphasizes the sense of purpose and community that many of the characters find through their shared experience of adversity. Throughout the novel, characters like Marie and Julian are motivated by their mutual love for each other and their desire to protect the people around them. For example, although Marie encounters difficulties in her training because she doubts her ability to become a successful agent, she experiences a crucial turning point when she finds new inspiration in her friendship with Josie. As their bond grows, Josie helps Marie to realize that her love for her daughter, Tess, is also a potent source of purpose, and because of this strategic encouragement, Marie decides to stay with the SOE and resolves to build a better future for Tess. Once Josie is deployed, Marie also draws inspiration from Josie’s example and follows in Josie’s footsteps to become a leader for the newer trainees.

Jenoff is especially interested in female relationships and the collective sense of identity and purpose that arises when women support other women. To this end, Eleanor’s storyline is built on her belief in the capabilities of women and her dedication to her female SOE agents.