83 pages 2 hours read

Eloise Mcgraw

The Golden Goblet

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1961

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-3

Reading Check

1. Thebes (Chapter 1)

2. A porter (Chapter 1)

3. Eastern Thebes (Chapter 2)

4. Street of the Crooked Dog (Chapter 2)

5. Heqet (Chapter 3)

Short Answer

1. Ranofer suspects they are stealing gold and smuggling it in wineskins from Rekh. (Chapter 1)

2. He beats and starves Ranofer. (Chapter 1)

3. He mistreats Ranofer cruelly and claims that people will believe Ranofer is the one who has stolen. Gebu threatens to force Ranofer to apprentice in the stonecutting shop. (Chapter 2)


Chapters 4-6

Reading Check

1. His father’s ba (Chapter 4)

2. At the stonecutting shop (Chapter 5)

3. Pai (Chapter 6)

Short Answer

1. Heqet’s father is the Overseer of Storehouses, a position that requires honesty and trust. Ranofer believes Heqet has learned these qualities from his father. (Chapter 4)

2. The palace is executing grave robbers. (Chapter 5)

3. Ranofer realizes he has not been visited by his father’s ba, but the squeaking he hears at night is Gebu sneaking out of the house.