48 pages 1 hour read

Don Aker

The First Stone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Part 2, Chapters 21-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 21 Summary

Reef plays poker with Brett and Leeza. Normally, when he plays cards, he is hyper-competitive and willing to cheat to win. Now, he realizes he is playing just for the joy of indulging in a game with people he likes. He is surprised (and pleased) that he can’t stop thinking about Leeza. There are many things he wants to tell and show her, including the greenhouse.

They’ve been talking in more depth, and Reef increasingly enjoys the seriousness of their conversations. He realizes that most of his communications—in between Nan’s death and meeting Leeza—have been a combination of mockery, arguments, boasting, and threats. He doesn’t know if it’s love, which seems like an old-fashioned notion to him. Then Shelly interrupts their game and asks to see him.

Part 2, Chapter 22 Summary

Frank is there waiting to talk with Reef. He tells him that Jink is badly hurt but in stable condition. Scar calls to talk to Reef, who hears Bigger crying and ranting in the background. Greg takes Reef to the hospital to visit Jink. Jink’s face is swollen horribly. Rowdy caught him and beat him with his hands, nearly killing him.

Back at North Hills, Alex asks Reef if he wants to talk.