51 pages 1 hour read

Jonathan Edwards

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Nonfiction | Essay / Speech | Adult | Published in 1741

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Essay Topics


How does Edwards motivate his audience and counter their resistances to his message? What literary or rhetorical strategies does he use to achieve his ends? What types of emotional appeal does he make in the sermon?


The structure of the classic Puritan sermon typically consists of four parts: biblical text (or epigraph), doctrine, reasons (or proofs), and application. How does Edwards utilize these sections to methodically develop his argument? Consider how he relates the Old Testament verse he chooses as his text to the spiritual situation of his listeners, and the implications and considerations he draws from the biblical text. How effectively does Edwards organize and support his argument?


How does Edwards depict God, and what does he mean in saying that it is only the “pleasure of God” that delays the sinner’s immediate damnation?