89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Essay Topics


Shadow and Bone features classic fantasy tropes such as good versus evil, the chosen one, the dark lord, and a quest. How do these tropes further the meaning of the novel? How does Bardugo subvert or complicate classic tropes, and to what effect?


When Alina tells Baghra, “There’s nothing wrong with being a mapmaker,” Baghra replies, “Of course not. And there’s nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk” (179). Baghra says these words moments before Alina learns to call her power forward. What is her statement’s significance to the story? How does the idea of destiny play into the novel? How does Alina’s struggle to embrace her powers shape the story?


Explore the roles of mystery, secrets, and deception in the novel.