63 pages 2 hours read

Emma Donoghue


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2010

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Chapter 5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5, Pages 253-275 Summary: “Living”

Jack is now staying with Grandma and Steppa at Ma’s childhood home. Jack keeps Ma’s tooth in his mouth. He asks Grandma if Ma is dead, but Grandma assures him that Ma is alive. Jack says he does not want to be alive if Ma is not. Grandma cries. They are waiting for an update.

Grandma sets Jack up in Ma’s old room, which they have converted to a home gym. It is the closest he can be to Grandma’s room. Grandma laments getting rid of Ma’s things, but her grief counseling group recommended it. Tooth falls out of Jack’s mouth, so he grabs it quickly. Grandma warns him not to suck on small things. She tries to open Jack’s hand to see what he has, but Jack hits her in the stomach and shoves Tooth back into his mouth. Grandma is shocked, but she ignores it. Jack cannot sleep if everyone else is awake, so Grandma lies down in her own bed for a while to help. Jack cries. He thinks Ma was in a hurry to get to Heaven. He sucks on Tooth and wishes he could nurse.