54 pages 1 hour read

Freida McFadden

One by One

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Chapters 9-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

As they get back on the road, the atmosphere in the car is tense. Claire wonders when her marriage to Noah went awry. She thinks it was after the birth of Emma. Though Aidan made their lives more complicated, it was when Emma was born that Noah and Claire’s relationship suffered. She cried constantly, and Noah did not pull his weight in childcare or housework, even though both he and Claire worked full-time. Noah then became more and more disengaged from the family, and their date nights stopped happening. Claire just wants to get through the vacation and tell Noah that it’s over.

They continue down the road, and as Noah turns off the major road, the GPS loses signal. They begin to follow Warner’s map. After some driving, Noah stops, unsure about the map. The minivan then stalls. Noah looks under the hood, but it seems the battery is dead. With no other car to jump the battery, the group decides to walk through the woods for the two miles it will take to reach the inn. Jack brings his backpack of supplies. Lindsay and Claire are unsure about walking into the woods, but they go with the others so that they aren’t left behind.