55 pages 1 hour read

Graham Gardner

Inventing Elliot

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 10-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

To complete his training, Elliot meets the Guardians twice a week. Oliver has become his messenger and is now completely deferential towards Elliot. To be part of this secretive, powerful, elite group makes Elliot simultaneously feel triumphant and deeply unhappy. In order to guarantee his safety, Elliot has to embrace his position and bury the horror and disgust he feels about what the Guardians do. The new voice in his head reassures him that he’ll “get used to it” (85).

On Saturday, Elliot takes the film canister with him to the pool on the slim chance the boy might be there again. Part of him wants to just throw it away, but he remembers how important pictures are to his mom. Elliot relaxes as he focuses on swimming his laps, nearly missing the boy as he leaves the pool. Elliot rushes to the locker room where the boy is getting changed and gets the canister. Elliot asks the boy if the film canister is his, but the boy does not reply. Elliot understands because he remembers when he was the victim; regardless of your answer, your possessions would be destroyed in front of you, so it’s better to just stay quiet.