84 pages 2 hours read

Ruta Sepetys

I Must Betray You

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2022

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Chapters 13-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Cristian recalls seeing a notebook in which Dan had listed details about Romania to be used for a college admission essay. Cristian is shocked and angered by what he construes as Dan’s mocking of the country, yet he is curious about whether certain details are true. He later repeats one of them—that Ceauşescu used Bibles given to him by Americans as toilet paper—as a joke to Bunu. Bunu warns Cristian to be careful and not to repeat such jokes.

Chapter 14 Summary

Cristian speaks with Dan about two weeks later. Dan invites him into his bedroom to give him more American stamps. Cristian makes mental notes about the contents of Dan’s room, noting the American shoes, music, and other items. Cristian asks Dan questions about America, and when Dan replies, he changes his volume and directs his speech to the light fixture on the ceiling. Cristian is certain that Dan knows he is being surveilled.

Chapter 15 Summary

Cristian speculates that the light fixtures in the Van Dorn apartment are bugged. Cristian meets Dan’s parents. Mr. Van Dorn makes small talk, praising Cristian for walking his mother home from her cleaning job. On their walk that evening, Cristian attempts to obtain information about the couple from his mother, but she refuses to answer.