64 pages 2 hours read

Emily McIntire

Hooked: A Dark, Contemporary Romance

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 42-47 and Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 42 Summary: “James”

James tortures three men who have the Croc tattoo of a watch and crocodile. The men are steadfast at first, but they give in after James tortures one of them with rats in a bucket and a lighter, encouraging the rats to eat into the man’s stomach. The remaining men say that Moira is the woman who has been recruiting for Croc among James’s men.

Chapter 43 Summary: “Wendy”

Wendy gets a call from Jon, who reveals that James has called to check in on him every day at Rockford. Wendy is touched, but Jon tells her that Peter wants both Jon and Wendy to meet him at the mansion. Wendy reluctantly agrees, tries to call James, and heads to the mansion, where the security guards don’t recognize her.

In the mansion, no one seems to be around, and Tina appears suddenly and startles Wendy. Tina, who says she was told to wait for Wendy, is clearly high on pixie dust. Tina is jealous of Wendy and threatens to hurt her. When Wendy tries to defuse the situation, Tina hits her, then knocks Wendy unconscious with a vase.