64 pages 2 hours read

Emily McIntire

Hooked: A Dark, Contemporary Romance

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 36-41

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 36 Summary: “James”

James reflects on his outburst and realizes that he both cares for Wendy and fears her leaving him more than he values her usefulness against Peter. James hates that Wendy now calls him Hook, for he does not want to associate feelings of violence and crime with her. James says that he locked the bedroom door, but Wendy insists that it was unlocked when she left. James thinks that she may be lying, and he plans to take her with him on an errand to the Lagoon. James notes that Moira and Wendy are about the same size and plans to obtain new clothes for Wendy from Moira. This irritates Wendy, a trend that reveals her continued jealousy toward Moira.

James’s errand turns out to be the interrogation of a traitor. The traitor, Tommy, says that a woman started sleeping with some of the Lost Boys and then offered them employment with her boss, who goes by the name of Croc. Membership in Croc’s gang involves getting a tattoo of a crocodile with a clock, and James seems to know something about these details already. When Tommy is about to reveal the name of the woman, an explosion suddenly occurs.