64 pages 2 hours read

Emily McIntire

Hooked: A Dark, Contemporary Romance

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 30-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 30 Summary: “Wendy”

At the event, James threatens Wendy further, and Wendy almost confronts James, noting that she has no reason to obey him if he is just going to kill her anyway. In the course of their interactions in the public eye, however, James defends Wendy when the police commissioner insults her, and he lies about Ru’s death, saying that Ru retired suddenly.

Wendy manages to make an excuse to get the two out of the conversation, and she comments that it is nice that Ru got to retire, which is what James has told others. This comment infuriates James because he still believes that Wendy was involved in Ru’s murder. The two are interrupted as Peter approaches them.

Chapter 31 Summary: “James”

James subtly restrains Wendy from talking too much with Peter, and everyone takes their seats at the table for dinner. Peter is shocked that Wendy is here, and although James moves to defend her, she has an outburst of her own, for she is offended that Peter would even try to criticize her. In the ensuing scene, Wendy lashes out both at her father and at Tina, and James revels in Wendy’s aggression.

Wendy reveals that she and James have had sex, and the table is aghast.