64 pages 2 hours read

Emily McIntire

Hooked: A Dark, Contemporary Romance

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 25-29

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Wendy”

Content Warning: This section of the guide depicts kidnapping, imprisonment, and abuse.

Wendy sits at home alone on her birthday, and she hasn’t heard from James since the trip to Rockford. Her father calls and tells her that they are getting new security because he is being blackmailed. Wendy realizes she would prefer that James call her and protect her, and she gives up on arguing with her father. Wendy hangs up when she hears Tina in the background asking Peter what she should wear to dinner.

Suddenly, James invades Wendy’s room and covers her mouth, brandishing a knife in her face. He demands to know if she always planned to deceive him, but he then injects her with something in a syringe before she can answer.

Chapter 26 Summary: “Wendy”

Wendy wakes up chained to a wall in a dark room. She is panicking, and one of James’s subordinates, Curly, comes in with bread to feed her. Instead of eating the bread, Wendy spits in his face, and Curly leaves her alone in the dark.

Wendy wakes up again later and notices a table covered in packaged pixie dust. James is there, and he accuses Wendy of lying to him and betraying him. She denies the accusations, but James insists that she is a liar.