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Homeric Hymns

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Adult

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Hymns 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Hymn 14 Summary: “To the Mother of the Gods”

The hymn praises the mother of the gods, who remains unnamed but could be the Titan Rhea, mother of the Greek gods, or the earth deity, Gaia, mother of the Titans. Drums, castanets, and flutes play for her pleasure, while the howling of lions and wolves charms her.

Hymn 15 Summary: “To Lion-Hearted Heracles”

Heracles is a divine mortal hero birthed from the mortal woman Alcmene and Zeus. He once traveled the earth, where he lived a violent existence, but now resides on Olympus. The hymn asks Heracles to grant humankind “skill and riches” (77).

Hymn 16 Summary: “To Asclepius”

Asclepius, the god of medical practices, is born of Coronis, a mortal princess, and Apollo. Because he is the god of medicine and surgery, the hymn praises Asclepius for soothing agonies and bringing gladness.