56 pages 1 hour read

Tamsyn Muir

Gideon the Ninth

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Essay Topics


Gideon the Ninth is told exclusively from Gideon’s point of view by a third-person limited narrator. How would the novel be different if it were told from Harrow’s point of view? Or perhaps Cytherea’s?


Stories featuring LGBTQ+ characters as their protagonists are often expected to deliver happy endings due to the real-life oppression of LGBTQ+ people. What is the significance of Muir deciding to create a world where anti-LGBTQ+ biases never existed, yet give her characters such sad endings?


Gideon the Ninth exists in a world with rich lore, magic systems, and history. Little of this is directly conveyed to the audience because the perspective character, Gideon, is ignorant of the world at large. What effect do you think Muir intends with this storytelling technique? Is it effective? Why or why not?