46 pages 1 hour read

James Joyce


Fiction | Short Story Collection | Adult | Published in 1914

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Stories 10-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Story 10 Summary: “Clay”

Maria finishes work at the laundry where she is considered a “peace-maker” and well-liked by everyone (97). That evening, she plans to visit the family of her friend Joe, who was in her care when he was a child. She eats a traditional Halloween dinner with her colleagues, then goes to pick up some cakes and icing from the bakery. The cashier inquires if Maria wants to buy a wedding cake. Once on the tram home, an elderly gentleman engages her in conversation. Maria arrives at Joe’s home and gives the cakes to his brother Alphy to divide amongst everyone. However, she notices that the prized cake for Joe and his wife is missing, having been left behind on the tram. Maria is distraught, but Joe comforts her and tells her stories of his workplace. She learns that he and Alphy are fighting. The group begins playing blindfolded Halloween games meant to predict fortunes, but one of the girls tricks Maria into grasping something unpleasant. Later, Maria sings for them.

Story 11 Summary: “A Painful Case”

Middle-aged James Duffy lives alone in a suburb outside of Dublin in a utilitarian room with only intellectual books for company. He adamantly dislikes “anything which betokened physical or mental disorder” (106).