48 pages 1 hour read

Marc Reisner

Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1986

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The Precarity of the West’s Water Situation

One of Reisner’s central arguments in Cadillac Desert is how precarious the water situation in the West is. This situation is not something new. The Hohokam, a civilization that lived near the confluence of the Salt, Verde, and Gila rivers, thrived for over 1,000 years. They were one of the first agricultural societies in the Southwest and practiced irrigation. The area they called home is one of the hottest in Arizona and North America more broadly. One possible reason the Hohokam were able become agriculturalists in this region is the climate is thought to have been considerably wetter. When it turned back to dry, the civilization vanished. The Hohokam might also have waterlogged their fields due to the abundance of water, causing salt buildup, which eventually poisoned parts of the land. This scenario might also have contributed to their demise. As Reisner notes, “the mysterious disappearance of Hohokam civilization seems linked to water: they either had too little or used too much” (257). This is exactly the problem that the West faces today.

Like the Hohokam, the United States built a desert civilization during wetter years. The Colorado River Compact’s negotiators based their allotment amounts for the basin states on the river’s having a 17.5-million-acre-foot yield. This estimate was based on flow during years with higher precipitation. Serious doubt was cast on this number starting in the 1950s, with one hydrologic engineer suggesting that the average annual flow was closer to 11.7 million acre-feet since the 1930s. This difference matters, because Colorado Basin states have been building and planning as if the Compact estimate was conservative. Thus, people and the economy are at serious risk. For many years, the Bureau refused to listen to experts and continued building projects on the Colorado. This process has led to ideas about diverting distant rivers, such as the Klamath in California, into the Colorado. To the Bureau, “The Klamath was wasting twelve million acre-feet to the sea with hardly a claim on it. Its principle appropriators were salmon, steelhead, and bears” (268). Fortunately, the Klamath Diversion “was dumped on the scrapheap of human dreams” (271).

The national dam construction project that allowed civilization to bloom in the desert also contains the seeds of its demise. Without the federal government, there would not have been projects like CAP, Hoover Dam, and the Central Valley Project. Without these projects, population and revenue would not have increased in the western states. Farmers’ access to cheap water, which allowed them to plant non-native crop species, has turned a desert into an oasis. All of this rests on the availability of water, which was already precarious and, with climate change, has become even more so. Reisner emphasizes that we have created an economic and environmental calamity that will cost billions to solve, if it is even solvable. 

Politics and Money as the Driving Forces of Water Policy in the West

Reisner emphasizes how politics and money, and not good sense, have guided water policy in the West. This reality is evident from the very beginning of the region’s settlement. For example, the Owens Valley aqueduct was supposed to divert water from the Owens River to Los Angeles. However, it instead, at least initially, diverted water to the San Fernando Valley, resulting in the “Valley’s metamorphosis from desert to agricultural cornucopia” (101). This diversion was done intentionally and made several prominent Los Angelenos extremely wealthy. It also led to California’s unquenchable thirst for water. Owens Valley helped create Los Angeles and some of the most productive agricultural land in the world. It made the city large enough and wealthy enough to continue its search to divert more water resources to the state, despite the reality that agriculture is unstable in the desert.

Another example concerns CAP. For years, California’s anti-CAP lobbies were able to stall the project in Congress. Arizona eventually gave in to their demands. By doing so, the state might have unintentionally spelled its own doom. With climate change, the Colorado Basin is growing increasingly more arid, and permanent droughts might become the new norm. Once this occurs, Arizona is obligated to give California all the water from CAP. The water is currently used for Phoenix, Tucson, and the farmers in between. Thus, Arizona will have to look for other sources. Powerful California lobbyists were able to continue the pattern of bullying others to get more and more water for their state.

To Reisner, one of the worst legacies of the federally funded water projects is the corruption of national politics. Reisner is particularly contemptuous of omnibus public works bills. These often include useless water project bills. However, because these bills are packaged together into one single bill, the president cannot veto the water project bill without vetoing the whole bill. Water projects are truly akin to currency in Congress. Members will vote in favor of these projects, often without reading what is actually in the bill, because they know that others will vote for their pet projects so long as they vote for their colleagues’ projects. The pork barrel has caused economic and environmental calamities.

The Damaging Effects of Humans’ Transformation of the Desert

For Reisner, humans innately want to control nature. As he notes, “It is an instinct that followed close on the heels of food, sleep, and sex, predating the Bible by thousands of years” (14). Humans seem particularly drawn to civilizing desert environments, even after desert civilizations have repeatedly risen and fallen throughout history. In the American West, the only way to bring deserts under control was to control rivers. The federally funded water projects did exactly this but, in so doing, have seriously damaged the environment and rural communities.

Large swaths of land have been poisoned by salt, making them unusable for agriculture. Dams have decimated some of the best salmon runs in the world. Overdraft of aquifers, which have been in existence since the last Ice Age, has put many on the verge of collapse. The environmental damage will cost billions to fix. Laws meant to offer stronger environmental protections have slowly been undermined by members of Congress who continue to want pet water projects. Reisner strongly believes that the greatest cost of these water projects has been the “vandalization of both our natural heritage and our economic future, and the reckoning has not even begun” (485). These water projects, which destroyed the beauty and immense ecological diversity of the West, are blights on the planet.

To Reisner, one of the least-known legacies of water projects is the impact on Native American communities. These communities were decimated by conquistadors and horrific resettlement policies. Water projects added to their trauma. A particularly poignant example is the Three Tribes’ reservation and the Garrison Dam. The Corps of Engineers worked magic to ensure that white towns were not flooded, but they were willing to flood the tribes’ productive agriculture land. The compensation offered to the tribes was belittling. The reservoir also split the reservation in half. The group lost all sense of cohesion and way of life. These ramifications, which were known to the Corps and politicians, did not prevent them from building the dam.

Ironically, many of the Bureau’s water projects also ruined small farmers, who were, at least in the beginning, the intended beneficiaries. Illegal subsidies have continued to enrich big farmers. The big farmers’ excess crop production has depressed crop prices nationwide, causing bankruptcy for some small farmers. This waste of cheap water also has caused the environmental calamity that the West is currently facing.

Cadillac Desert begs the question of whether “the grand adventure of playing God with our waters” will end (14). Reisner, as he closes his book by discussing NAWAPA, seems unsure. Ultimately, he warns, if we do not stop “playing God,” these environmental and human impacts will only worsen.