75 pages 2 hours read

Thomas Mann


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1901

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Parts 5-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5, Chapter 1 Summary

In the aftermath of Jean’s death, the Buddenbrook family, including Bethsy, Tony, and Justus Kröger, convenes to discuss the will and the distribution of the estate. The estate, larger than expected, reveals the family’s substantial wealth and prompts a discussion on managing the assets. Thomas becomes the head of the firm, while Friedrich Wilhelm Marcus, Jean’s former chief clerk, becomes his partner. Thomas hands his office as Consul of the Netherlands to his uncle, Gotthold.

Part 5, Chapter 2 Summary

After eight years abroad, Christian Buddenbrook returns from the tropics with an air of preoccupation. The family, still in mourning, visits Jean’s grave, and Tony’s outward display of grief contrasts with her brothers’ more restrained emotions. Christian’s state of mind and embarrassment at Tony’s outward expression of grief reveals his discomfort with family sentiments and his odd fascination with death.

Part 5, Chapter 3 Summary

Thomas assigns Christian the task of handling English correspondence for the firm. Christian’s initial enthusiasm for the job wanes as he becomes distracted by activities at his social club, leading to neglect of his duties. Tensions rise between the brothers.