51 pages • 1 hour read
Dorothy AllisonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Content Warning: The source text contains depictions of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, and accidental death; it contains offensive, racist language (including use of the n-word.) This guide contains discussions of rape, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and violence.
Glen is out of work, and the family has nothing to eat except for ketchup spread on saltines. Although Anney tries to make a game out of the meagre meal, telling Bone and Reese that this isn’t real hunger, that she and her siblings often went much longer without eating real meals, the atmosphere in the household is strained. Glen returns from a fishing trip, and Anney scolds him angrily through clenched teeth about his inability to contribute financially. She herself does hair in addition to her job at the diner. One day she tells the girls to go to their uncle Earle’s, puts on makeup and high-heel shoes, and leaves the house. The girls hitch a ride on the highway from a couple who warns them of the dangers that await young, female hitchhikers. Later that night, Anney picks up the girls, face scrubbed clean of her makeup and looking tired. She brings them home, and they discover that she has brought many bags of food with her. She fries eggs and green tomatoes as Glen sits silently in front of the television, clenching and unclenching his fists. She does not explain where she went or how she purchased the groceries. The next week, the family moves again, into another cramped, damp tract house that resembles each of their previous, temporary homes.
For a while in each new home, Glen is happy, and claims that this house will be different. But he soon sinks into a withdrawn, moody state. Anger lurks just below the surface, and the girls try to avoid him. His family members all own their own homes, and Glen desperately wants the kind of status and wealth that they have. Bill collectors start arriving. Anney often ignores their angry knocking at the door, explaining to Bone and Reese that they are not bad people, and that they are not even truly poor. They do pay their bills, just not always when other people want them to. Aunt Alma, too, moves. She leaves her husband Wade, who cheats on her, and brings her children to an apartment downtown. The neighbors are Black, and after no small amount of racist commentary from the family, Reese, Bone, and her cousins begin to make friends with the neighbor children. Eventually, Alma moves back in with Wade.
Anney is adamant that Bone and Reese refrain from stealing, and she is angry one day to discover that Bone has stolen some tootsie roll candies. She explains to Bone how unethical stealing is by telling her a story about the job that she and her sisters had picking strawberries when they were children. Because they were lazy, and it was easier to pick both the ripe and unripe fruit, they’d include unripe strawberries on the bottom of the baskets that they picked even though they knew that they were not supposed to: Customers would complain to the man who owned the fields about the green fruit, and the girls would get in trouble. Their mother then paid the man for the green berries and made the girls eat them all. They were sick all night, and they learned their lesson. Anney marches Bone down to the store and forces her to pay the owner for the tootsie rolls. He tells Bone that she has a good mama to teach her right from wrong, and although Bone is initially ashamed of herself, she finds her shame fading under the man’s judgmental gaze. Although she is banned from the store indefinitely, she decides that she does not care.
Glen’s family is different from the Boatwrights, not only because they live in nicer houses, but also because the women do not work. Glen’s family looks down on Anney and her children and call them “trash.” Bone dislikes going to Glen’s family’s parties, but they accompany him each time his family gathers.
Bone is 10, and the family moves again to West Greenville so that Glen can be nearer to the uniform plant where he has gotten a new job. The house is more expensive, and Glen’s job does not prove to be as lucrative as he had hoped, so Anney has to begin working additional hours at the diner. She wants her children to understand how much Glen loves them, but Bone cannot help but notice how often Glen’s eyes follow her around or how frequently he grabs her with his large hands, and it makes her uncomfortable. One day, Glen beats her with his belt for running in the house, and Bone screams in pain. Anney comes home and interrupts him, but Bone wishes that her mother would go further, would leave him for his mistreatment of her. Bone overhears Glen lying to her mother. He claims that Bone had called him a “bastard,” and told him that he’d never be her real daddy. He cries and admits to Anney that he’d just been laid off and feels hopeless. Anney forgives him and tells Bone to be more respectful.
Glen also increases the amount of unwanted attention he pays Bone, and she cannot help but feel as though his advances are sexual, even if he is not actually having sex with her. She is angry and ashamed, but she does not know how to explain to her mother what it is about Glen’s behavior that is so inappropriate. He also beats her, although only in secret. She daydreams that someone will catch him and punish him for his abuse. His abuse grows worse, and he sets aside several belts that he uses exclusively to beat Bone. Between the beatings and the unwanted touching, Bone grows angry and confused, and as she explores her own sexuality, she begins to have fantasies that include both sex and violence. She is further shamed by these thoughts, and keeps her guilt and pain to herself, not knowing how to explain her feelings to her mother. When Glen’s beatings result in first a broken collar bone and then a broken coccyx, Bone is taken to a doctor who angrily accuses Anney of abuse. Bone, shame-faced and terrified, begs to be taken home. Against Glen’s protestation, Anney brings her daughters to her sister Alma’s. Bone sobs and apologizes, but her mother assures her that she did nothing wrong.
Two weeks later, they return home to Glen. He theatrically apologizes, with many tears and promises of changed behavior, but Bone knows that his guilt will be temporary and that the beatings will resume once he has been forgiven. And this time, Bone is right, as she knew she would be. Her mother forgives Glen, and for a while everything is fine. But as he always does, he begins to remember the beating differently, thinks that perhaps Bone had provoked him, that he was not the guilty party after all. He resumes the beatings in secret, and Bone becomes increasingly withdrawn. She begins working part time at the diner and spends her wages on books. She finds a spot in the woods to retreat to, and spends entire days hidden, reading.
Anney asks Bone to spend time with her ailing aunt Ruth, and Bone reluctantly agrees. Ruth looks frighteningly sick. She and Bone talk, and Bone tries to tell her about Glen, but she is unable to admit the sexual abuse, even when Ruth asks her directly if Glen has ever touched her. Ruth tells her stories about her family, so that she will understand who she is and where she comes from. Bone enjoys the time spent with Ruth and the rest of her family members, but soon her mother returns. Bone overhears Anney and Ruth talking. Anney admits that Glen is a difficult man to live with and that he seems to take his anger out on Bone. Ruth tells Anney that she wouldn’t advise her sister to leave her husband, but that Glen is obviously too hard on Bone, that he is scarred by his own father’s mistreatment and disapproval, and that even though he adores Anney, he is not a stable presence in Bone’s life. Not long after that, a tent revival comes to town, and the music and the preaching fill Bone with guilt and shame. She blames herself for Glen’s abuse.
Still at her aunt Ruth’s, Bone starts to listen to a gospel radio show and becomes enthralled by the music. The whole family joins her, and she enjoys the togetherness that she feels during the radio hour. Shortly before school is to begin, however, her mother tells her that it is time for Bone to move back home with Anney and Glen. In the afternoons, although she is supposed to spend time with Reese and Alma, she goes to a café to listen to the jukebox. She wishes that she were a child star and could dress up and sing country and gospel classics. Her mother and Granny are nonplussed by her interest in religion, although Alma assures them that it is a phase that will pass. Bone begins to try to save the souls of her various family members but is unsuccessful. Then, she turns her attention on herself, and her mother gives in and allows her to get baptized. Bone is happy that Glen hasn’t caught her alone in a while, although she notices that he still looks at her hungrily, and she tries to avoid him.
Glen’s physical and sexual abuse is at the center of the narrative in this set of chapters, which highlight the physical and emotional toll of Glen’s presence in Bone’s life. Glen’s family looks down on Anney and her family, although Anney tries her best to raise her children with a sense of right and wrong. Through it all, however, the Boatwrights remain bonded and their relationships become a source of resilience for Bone. Abuse and Coming of Age and The Strength of Familial Bonds both remain important themes.
The text is highly cynical towards sex and sexuality due to how frequently rape and sexual abuse occur. Sex is also often relegated to the background of the text; the mystery surrounding it mimics the taboos surrounding sex that leave Bone vulnerable to such abuse. One of the early scenes in this set of chapters sees Anney struggling to feed her children more than saltine crackers and ketchup, and because Glen is not able to help her financially, she must take matters into her own hands. It is not specified where she went or what she did, due to the text’s filtering narrator of a young child: That Anney either engaged in sex work or in some way used her looks in order to obtain help from someone, presumably a man. This scene highlights The Intersections of Class and Gender in that Anney’s earning power is limited by her gender, which is part of why the family struggles, but that she presumably engages in sex work in order to make ends meet also speaks to the gendered options available to working poor women during the 1950s.
There is also friction between Glen’s family and Anney’s in this section. Glen’s family has more money than the Boatwrights and, with the exception of Glen, all of its men have professional careers. They look down upon Anney and identify her as “trash.” And yet Annie is shown to care about her children’s moral development in these chapters: She catches Bone stealing and forces her to return the stolen candy and apologize. In addition to wanting to provide better housing and nutrition for her children than she herself had, it is important to her to teach them right from wrong. This kind of parenting dispels the label “trashy,” and it’s another instance where Allison’s portrayals deliberately counter harmful labels and stereotypes.
Anney’s attention to truth and morality is complicated by the extent to which she enables Glen’s abuse. The entire family is caught up in the endless cycle of violence that characterizes abusive households. Glen subjects Bone to beatings so violent that she ends up in the hospital, and although Anney is aware of the abuse, she accepts his tears and theatrical apologies and forgives him. The cycle of abuse takes its toll on Bone, who is left not only with physical scars, but also with emotional baggage. She is angry at her mother, and she feels shame and self-doubt. Bone is too afraid to admit the abuse to her family, even when questioned about it directly by her aunt Ruth. Bone’s behavior demonstrates the extent of Glen’s control and manipulation tactics: In addition to the physical abuse, he has manipulated Bone to the point where she does not feel that she can seek help. Glen’s position as a family patriarch allows him to both isolate Anney and her children and explain away his abuse using socially acceptable explanations that Anney is primed to accept, exploring The Intersections of Class and Gender through the power such an intersection invests in men.
Family does become a source of solace for Bone, showing the importance of The Strength of Familial Bonds. Although she is not able to admit to Ruth that Glen’s abuse is not limited to acts of physical violence, she does spend an increasing amount of time with her, and Ruth begins to instill in her an appreciation for her family. Like her Granny, Ruth tells her stories about the Boatwright clan in order “to make sure [Bone] understood who [her] people were” (126). Although much of Bone’s self-identity remains rooted in shame, Ruth has begun to give her an understanding of familial identity that will become a source of pride. At the very end of the text, Bone will cite the identity that she shares with the other Boatwrights as evidence of her own inner resilience, and it will be that knowledge that gives her the strength to cut ties with her mother and Glen.
By Dorothy Allison