36 pages 1 hour read

Kathryn J. Edin, H. Luke Shaefer

$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2015

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Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Conclusion Summary: “Where, Then, from Here?”

$2-a-day poverty has been an unintended consequence of the 1996 reform, but the authors argue that the solution is not to simply reinstate the old welfare system. AFDC did help people, but because it was at odds with American values—being seen as rewarding laziness and single motherhood—it also stigmatized those who received it, creating a “class of outcasts” (158). Edin and Shaefer instead recommend policies aimed at creating more work opportunities.


At present, there simply aren’t enough jobs for everyone who needs one. People living in extreme poverty are furthermore among the least likely to be extended a job offer due to their circumstances (see Chapter 2). More private sector jobs can be created through government subsidies, and more government jobs can be created as well, as was done during the Great Depression. There is no shortage of work needed to be done at national parks, daycare centers, public libraries, and addiction treatment centers, to name just a few services that are underfunded and in need of workers. The quantity of jobs needs to increase, but the quality needs to improve as well. Raising the minimum wage, doing more to combat wage theft, and mandating that employers provide guaranteed hours would do a lot to provide the poor with more financial security. Programs to help the poor maintain their jobs could help too, by providing assistance with things like transportation and childcare. Consumers can hold employers accountable by choosing to support businesses that treat their workers well.


To overcome the problems they face, the $2-a-day poor clearly need to have jobs available to them. They also need to be able to afford a place to live—not doubled up with relatives, and not bouncing from one homeless shelter to the next. Simply increasing their incomes can go a long way to solving the affordable housing crisis. The government could also do more to build affordable housing and provide rent subsidies. If the incomes of families with housing subsidies were to rise, then the government could potentially help a greater number of families overall, since each individual household would need less help to cover rent each month.


Even if these measures are implemented, people will still go through rough patches. There needs to be a cash safety net to prevent those people from spiraling into extreme poverty. TANF is supposed to fill this role, but it hasn’t done a good job of it. States receive money for TANF from the federal government, but there is little oversight of how the states use it, with the result that two-thirds of the money intended for TANF goes toward other uses. States often try to discourage people from applying for aid by making the application process lengthy and convoluted. Even if a family manages to receive TANF, the amount of money they get would not bring them even halfway to the poverty line in 49 out of 50 states.


Clearly, we need something better. A large problem with TANF is that people feel ashamed to take it. They are made to jump through hoops, which carries the obvious implication that the applicants may be trying to take what they don’t deserve. The EITC, on the other hand, is a benefit that people can claim with their dignity intact. It is simple to receive, and people feel they have earned it as a reward for their hard work. The authors argue that we need “an antipoverty program that incorporates rather than divides” (172), one that doesn’t put up barriers or shame people when they need help.

Conclusion Analysis

While Chapters 2 through 5 focused heavily on the lives and experiences of those living in extreme poverty, the final chapter returns to government policies. At present, the situation is clearly not OK. Children are going hungry and are vulnerable to abuse, people are forced to do things that they find degrading and morally wrong, and living in poverty leaves people with physical and psychological scars. Anyone can agree that things have to change. The question is how things should change, and that is what Edin and Shaefer address in this chapter.


The authors argue that any potential solutions to $2-a-day poverty need to be in line with American values. In drawing up their list of proposals, they take inspiration from a number of policies and programs that have already been implemented within the United States. They propose creating more private sector jobs through government subsidies, for instance, which has already been done through a short-term program called the TANF Emergency Fund. A program in Michigan called Community Ventures helps workers keep their jobs by providing assistance when unexpected problems arise. The Works Progress Administration gave government jobs to millions of people in the 1930s and ’40s. Section 8 already provides rent subsidy vouchers and affordable housing to people across the country.


The problem is largely a matter of scale. By identifying solutions that have already been used in the United States, the authors show that these ideas are feasible. They are programs that Americans have already shown they are willing to use and support, and all of them have successfully improved the lives of poor people. But to help the 1.5 million households currently living in $2-a-day poverty, the government needs to invest the resources into scaling up these solutions.